A taboo, an illegal act, an unnatural act, a filthy act- this and much more is what is heard of when we talk about the same-sex relationship in India. Section
Judiciary, the third and most important pillar holding the Indian democracy, is unique with its intricacies and may appear complex to an outsider with no knowledge of it. Such an
The Government of India, in 2017 introduced Goods and Services Tax to replace all of the other taxes like Sales Tax, Value Added Tax, etc. [i] This has turned out to
Introduction To Input Service Distributor ISD (Input Service Distributor) is defined in Central Goods and Sales Tax Act, 2017 (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Act’) under Section 2(61). According to
Trademark A trademark is intended to serve the purpose of acknowledging the source or origin of goods or services to which that particular mark belongs. With the growth of globalization
What is the Income Tax? An income tax is a tax that governments impose on income generated by businesses and individuals within their jurisdiction. By law, taxpayers must file an